After the Rain Read online

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  Chapter Three

  The list contains fourteen names, twelve men and two women. Kas is all business, completely in his element when he has something tangible to work with.

  “I need every video you can find with everyone on this list speaking in public,” Kas states, delegating the names between the team.

  He spends the next few hours watching each person as they speak about anything other than trafficking, noting their movements, facial expressions, their every minute mannerism. Once he has a good grasp on each member, he then watches the videos of them speaking against human trafficking, noting how many relate its growing ties to organized crime.

  Raina lightly kicks on his door, her hands full of mouthwatering reinforcements. She can see the exhaustion in her husband’s eyes, and her heart swells when they brighten and his lips curve into a smile when he sees her, “I brought you your favorite Chinese food, extra crab rangoons with all the dipping sauces.”

  “You are a life saver.”

  She unloads the food as Kas stretches his tired muscles that are cramped from sitting too long. “How’s it going?”

  “I’ve discarded five suspects.”

  “That’s great,” she encourages, locking the door before sitting down on his lap.

  “You’re making me lose my focus, darlin’,” Kas whispers gruffly, trailing his finger down her collarbone.

  “That’s exactly my intent.”

  “You do know how to torture me don’t you?”

  She laughs, “I always deliver in the end.”

  “Yes . . . yes you do.”

  “Speaking of delivering, this tastes better hot.”

  “So do you,” he winks.

  After the food is gone, Raina sits in the corner chair quietly working on translations as Kas finishes watching the videos. Peeking over the laptop, she silently watches her husband through her lashes. She is still amazed at his incredible amount of self-discipline and how he can maintain his focus for hours on end while continuing to perform his job under immense stress.

  When Kas tenses and takes a moment to jot down some notes, Raina pulls the earphones out and walks his way, “What did you find?”

  “More like who did I find?”

  The flash of undiluted anger in his eyes startles her, “Who is it, Kas?”

  “Wakely was definitely hiding something in his speech last month.”

  “Senator Wakely?” she asks, her shock obvious.

  “The one and only. Look how he rubs his nose every time he’s asked about his feelings of the new bill being proposed against trafficking. And, right here,” Kas states, pointing to the screen, “watch him slide behind the podium when the reporter asks him directly if he supports the bill. This doesn’t mean that he’s guilty of anything, it just makes him suspicious at this point.”

  The movements seemed trivial to Raina, something she would never have picked up on her own, “What do you think he’s hiding?”

  “I don’t know yet, darlin’, but we’re going to find out.” He glances at Raina stifling a yawn at the late hour, “C’mon, I can watch the rest at home.”

  It’s almost 8:00 a.m. when Raina awakens Kas. She has let him sleep for as long as possible, knowing he didn’t go to bed until well after she did. They cook a quick breakfast of eggs and toast together before heading to the agency. The crisp morning air sends a shiver up her spine, and Kas pulls her closer to him as they rush inside.

  Austin’s already up to his usual antics, mercilessly ribbing Jake about his relationship getting serious with Maya and harping on Russo needing to get his butt in the game. Raina smiles as Russo turns to look at Agent Garren when she pours herself some coffee across the room. He’s been admiring the agent on Grant’s team for weeks now but still hasn’t made his move. Raina loves how the men on Kas’ team are tough and intimidating on the outside but big softies on the inside. Stealing a glance at Austin, she suppresses a laugh at him giving Jake a hard time about Maya when it’s obvious Mandy has made quite an impression on him, snagging the notorious player for longer than anyone has.

  Frank walks up with a file on Senator Wakely and on the other suspect that didn’t pass Kas’ human lie detection, Secretary of State Harlem Craig, “We’ve got men on them like you asked, boss.”

  “Thanks, Frank.” Kas takes the files, kissing Raina on the cheek before heading to his office, “See you at lunch, darlin’.”

  The musical choice of the day proves Erik is his usual upbeat-self again. Some Nights blares in the background, and Raina doesn’t put in her earphones like she normally does. “Whatcha got for me today?”

  Erik takes a sip of his coffee, shaking his head, “Nada, it’s been a slow morning so far.”

  Raina takes advantage of the free time and pulls up the files on Prizrak.

  Erik glances cautiously at his best friend, wondering how she’s holding up after what happened with Chris. She hasn’t mentioned anything but offering personal information freely is not her forte. He leaves it alone for now, relieved with the realization that Kas will stay on top of how she’s coping.

  Kas smiles as he looks at the screen, picking out the perfect places to hike that he read about on Excited to tell his wife about his plans to take her on a mini-vacation to the Blue Ridge Mountains, he is about to bust waiting for her to get off the phone.

  “What do you say about a trip to the Parkway in North Carolina?” he asks once Raina hangs up with Seth.

  The light sparkles in her eyes, “When?”

  “This Friday, we’re off until next Wednesday.”

  She wraps her arms around his neck, “Sounds perfect!” Sliding onto his lap, she gives him a quick kiss. “Then, next Friday, Seth is coming home from Boston for the weekend. He wants all of us to go out.”

  “As long as it’s not dancing.”

  “But we had so much fun the last time,” Raina reminds him, rocking her hips back and forth, absolutely loving the feel of him hardening underneath her.

  His chocolate eyes are burning with desire and mischief, “From what I recall, you still owe me a topless dance on the table.”

  Her lips curve, and she runs her tongue across them wickedly, “How ’bout I take it a bit further and dance on the table without anything on?”

  The rock hard feel of him gives her answer enough, and she giggles.

  “I love it when you laugh. Ah, hell, I love everything about you, woman.”

  “You’re getting ready to love me even more,” she whispers, her breath heating the sensitive spot just behind his ear. Her grin is wicked as she turns on the sultry music, slowly stripping off her clothing. Holding her arms in the air, she tilts her head, her eyes bright, beckoning, as she rocks from side to side. Biting her lip, her hips sway seductively, inducing vigorous reactions on her husband’s gratified body.

  The drive to Asheville, North Carolina is full of gorgeous scenery, but it is also very long. The evening has turned dark when they pull in front of the quaint bed and breakfast. “It’s beautiful here,” Raina exclaims, sliding out of the jeep and stretching.

  They grab their luggage from the back, and Kas stifles a yawn.

  “Looks like you’re ready for bed.”

  His eyes immediately darken with carnal intentions, causing Raina to laugh, “That’s not what I meant.”

  The inside is just as charming as the outside, and Raina walks through the Victorian sitting room admiring the antique furniture as Kas checks them in.

  “Welcome to the Land of the Sky, Mr. Pierce, I hope ya’ll enjoy your stay here.”

  “Thank you,” Kas smiles in return, handing over his credit card.

  “We may be small, but there’s lots to do here. There are some brochures on the table over there. You’re here just in time to get the most out of the famous ghost tours around the haunts of Asheville. I can get you a reservation if you like.”

  Kas bites back a grunt, “No!” Evening his voice, he continues, “No thanks, we have enough ghosts o
f our own.” He ignores the inquisitiveness in the man’s hazel eyes. “Thank you,” he quickly states again. Grabbing their bag, he’s grateful his wife doesn’t over pack when he sees that he will be carrying the luggage up two flights of stairs.

  Opening the door, Raina immediately falls in love with the country blue and gray décor. Kas places the bag next to the dresser before stretching his arms high above his head to ease his stiffness from the long ride. Raina stands on her tiptoes, kissing the back of his neck. “Sit,” she commands.

  He gratefully obliges. Crawling onto the huge bed behind him, she rests on her knees as she massages his tense shoulders. “That feels good,” he lazily approves.

  Her hands slide down his broad shoulders to his muscular chest, and heat simmers low below her navel. Her mouth teases his neck, and she squeezes her thighs together, “I have something that will make you feel even better.”

  His chuckle is low, more of a growl than a laugh. Without warning, he grabs her wrists, twists to the side, and hauls her on top of him, “Why don’t you show me what you have in mind, darlin’?”

  Not waking up to a blaring alarm is a small slice of heaven Raina could easily get used to. The feel of Kas’ leg draped over her hip, his arm thrown vicariously over her waist, and her tush tucked against the impressive part of him that delivers her a shameful amount of pleasure, is something that she hopes she will never get used to. Enjoying the moment, she lies motionless until Kas finally stirs, that part of him awakening. A smile graces her lips at the thought of her giving him the same feelings he generously bestows on her.

  “Feel like a hike?”

  Raina nods, her auburn waves tickling his nose and tangling in his morning stubble.

  He pops her playfully on her bare behind, “Get your butt in the shower then.”

  She does as asked but not before shoving her behind hard against him, giggling at his protruding response.

  “You’re such a tease,” he calls after her, his own smile brightening his face as he enjoys the view of her walking away from him.

  Tossing her long, wavy hair over her shoulder, she winks at him wickedly, “Who’s teasing?”

  His laughter warms her all the way to her toes, which are currently digging into the plush carpeting. “You need to reserve that energy, darlin’, this hike is a hefty one.”

  Raina had read about the popular climb to Looking Glass and is excited to see the views depicted on the net in person.

  Most of the vibrant leaves have fallen from the trees. The bed and breakfast owner had told them that many visit the area two weeks prior, but Raina is happy they are there now to see the magnificent views that the leaves would have partially hindered. Besides, from what the owner said, the whole area is booked solid months in advance during the peak leaf season.

  The trail is blanketed with the rich fall shades of the fallen leaves. Raina is in awe at the beauty, seemingly untouched even though they have already passed several hikers, some ascending, others descending.

  Kas keeps stealing glances at his wife, her beauty rivaling natures. The blush on her cheeks from the hike and warm temperature beckons his touch. His finger lightly brushes across her cheek, and her eyes shine of the brightest jade when she turns towards him, offering a sweet, loving smile. Slipping her slender fingers through his, she steps a little closer to him as they continue the upward climb.

  Kas reluctantly releases her hand when they reach a shortcut that cuts straight up the steep mountain. He would spend all day and night in the woods with her if she wanted, but he has other plans for this evening. Raina sheds her pink and green checkered flannel shirt, revealing the pale green tank underneath. She tightens her ponytail, and the act nearly knocks the already slightly labored breath straight out of Kas. He can’t get used to how she looks just as beautiful with her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, no make-up on, dressed in cut-off shorts, a simple tank top, and tennis shoes, as she does all dressed up in her designer black lace dress, her hair fixed, and face made up. If there weren’t people around, he would have to get her to her most natural state and take her right there on the soft trail of leaves. He’s sure there’s a law against sex in the national park, but that’s a law he would happily break.

  Kas takes a long sip of water to cool his hormones more than to quench his thirst. The sunlight filtering through the trees is picturesque, and Raina can’t resist taking several shots of the wilderness. Once they reach the top, she practically coos with delight at the view. They can see for miles from the advantageous 3,970 foot elevation, and Raina is in awe of the rolling mountaintops magnificently painted with the beautiful harvest shades. The air is crisp, energizing, and she smiles when the breeze gently blows across her face, lightly brushing against her cheek and hair.

  “Don’t get too close, darlin’,” Kas warns as he peeks over the edge. He backs up, noticing just how treacherous the drop is; if someone fell from the rock they would surely meet their maker.

  “I’ve never seen a view like this before, not in person anyway,” Raina gushes, snapping pictures with the camera Kas bought her before the trip.

  “Give me that for a sec. C’mere,” he grins, grabbing her elbow, pulling her against him and a little further away from the edge. He holds the camera out at arm’s length and snaps a photo of the two them together. Seeing her carefree smile prompts one of his own, “You like it here?”

  “I love it here!”

  “What do you think about doing some rock climbing tomorrow?” Kas laughs at her doe-eyed expression when she glances over the edge and back at him, “Not this rock, Rain.”

  “Where?” she asks, skeptical.

  “Chimney Rock. They have a beginner’s level for you.”

  “You would climb with me though, right?”

  Kas pulls her towards him again, kissing her forehead, “Do you honestly think I’d let you do something like that without me there, darlin’?”

  Raina tries to scowl, “Let me?”

  Kas’ gaze never wavers, or flinches, from her scrutiny. He lowers his mouth to where his lips are almost touching hers. “I’m pretty sure that’s what I said,” he whispers.

  Raina knows that she should take offense, but she doesn’t; she can’t find it in herself to. That authoritative protectiveness causes her lower body to contract, but she won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that right now, “I’ll climb Mount Everest if I so please, Pierce.”

  “I’m sure you would, darlin’,” he laughs, knowing full-well she would, if only to prove she could.

  The climb down the mountain is tricky to navigate in the steepest parts. They take the last part of the hike back to the jeep slowly, enjoying the scenery.

  It’s 7:00 p.m. when Raina finishes getting ready. After deciding to dress up a little, she gives her reflection one last glance in the mirror. Never having felt beautiful, she smiles at how the emerald green wrap dress fits her perfectly, pleased with how she at least feels pretty tonight. Tucking a long, curly stray of hair behind her ear, she wonders if she should let her hair down from the French twist or if she should have straightened it. Kas calls to her from the bedroom, telling her they’re going to be late if she doesn’t hurry, so she forgets about her hair and turns off the lights on her way out of the bathroom.

  Kas is sitting on the chair in the corner with his elbow resting on the side table, his finger and thumb framing his handsome, strong angular face, and his right ankle is resting casually on his left knee when Raina enters the room. His lower region stands at attention at the sight, and his eyes slowly drink in his wife, “You look beautiful.”

  The blush coloring her cheeks at his praise begs for his touch, and his eyes darken. Raina glances shyly at her husband through her lashes, feeling silly at how he still makes her nervous, a very good kind of nervous. The way he is sitting there demands attention. His reclined position is simple, but authoritative, his commanding presence undeniable. Heat liquefies low in her belly, and she lets out a low giggle.

>   “What’s so funny?” he asks, his eyes continuing their greedy stroll over her body.

  “You look very intimidating,” she confesses.

  “I’m intimidating, but you laugh at me?”

  Scarlett streaks her cheeks again and she softly shrugs, “I find you very sexy when you are like that. Well, most of the time, anyway.”

  Remembering the confused look in her eyes when she had first confessed how she finds him sexy when he’s bossy pops into his mind, and he laughs. Pride constricts his chest at her confession. He loves how his strength makes her feel safe, not scared, completely different from the kind of strength she was subjected to by her father, Chris, and Brian. He would never cause her pain. If you only knew how far I would go to keep you safe, darlin’. Thoughts of Chris flash angrily inside his head, and his jaw clenches at the memory. The tightness in his chest squeezes a little more when he thinks of how he would die for her, kill for her, how he almost did take a life for her.

  Conflicting emotions assault his conscious at what he did to Chris. Hurting another human being is not something he takes lightly, but he would do almost anything if it meant she would be protected. He would give up everything for Raina, without a second thought. Shaking off the dark thoughts, he stands up and extends his hand, “Ready?”

  The Grey Eagle Tavern is packed when they arrive. The night air is significantly cooler than the enjoyable sixty-three degrees they experienced on their hike earlier, and Kas wraps his arm around Raina’s shoulders, mostly to provide her with extra warmth but also to stake his claim to a few of the men he catches salaciously staring at her as they walk to the door. Taking her hand, he leads her to a table near the back. He watches as she looks around the room, excited about the band that’s getting ready to play. She’s completely oblivious to the attention that she is getting from the nearby men. Shaking his head, his lips curve into a smile, loving her innocence.